Barbara Bush Foundation

Curiosity Cruiser

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How do you encourage kids to read?


First, speak their language. Love designed a suite of superhero characters with their own story arc to show just how powerful reading can be, then activated through a variety of engaging experiences across the city.


BrandingComic Inspired

With bold colors and animated graphics, we created an action-packed world for children to explore and to spark their imaginations.

Gold #febe10
Brown #c98028
Yellow #fff200
Red #c01823
Dark Blue #0a1b3b
Blue #00538c

Mobile LibraryCuriosity Cruisers

It was important to not just create a world of reading, but to make its power real. So Love designed a fleet of mobile libraries that brought books to children all over the city.


Illustration Designing heroes

Love designed, illustrated and animated four characters that used unique storylines and arcs to display the various superpowers reading can give kids.


Website Creating a digital world

The website was more than informational. It gave children the opportunity to learn more about their reading heroes and explore the world of the curiosity cruisers.

check it out

Promotional Promoting the Action

Love created promotional materials and print ads inspired by classic movie posters featuring characters, heroic poses and rich graphical styles.


ActivationCruisin’ the books

To make reading real, Love created real-life mascots that traveled across the city to schools and events to deliver books. The characters became endeared by thousands of kids and more importantly, inspired them to pick up a book or two.

Love's Role

Strategy, creative, production, activation, experiential,
development, PR, media planning and buying.

How can we help?

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In the meantime, follow us on social media to keep up with all of our shenanigans.